Friday, April 25, 2008

my one day of vacation

Today was the one and only day I had this week where I didn't do ANYTHING. I think my couch has a permanent butt print. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of things I could have done, and many things I should have done...but I did none of them.

and it was great.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol

I am shocked. Carly is gone. How is Brooke there over Carly? Or John Michaels (or Michael Johns - whatever his name was).

And how cool was Lord Andrew Lloyd Weber??

wow... I haven't written in a while.

I've been very busy.

We've been doing wedding stuff.

Lotsa stuff.

We signed our purchase and sales agreement today. Lots of signing and initialing.

This is vacation week. It's half over. :-( ::sniff sniff::

I promise I will write more.

I swear.

Well, I'll try...

I think I will...


Sunday, April 06, 2008

offer accepted


they've countered the counter-counter offer

We're back in the counter offering.

They've countered.

We're offering a final offer.



counter offer....counter-counter offer

We offered.

They countered.

We countered the counter.

Boy is this confusing.

But we've talked them down by $7 thousand so far.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

House Hunting

So we've been looking at houses for a long time now. We've seen over 20 in person. Out of those, we've seen some nice ones, and some not so nice ones.

But today we saw THE one.

So we put in an offer.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

death of a who I killed the Who from my earlier post, since the music was driving me crazy.