Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Update on the fishy situation




So, going way back in the blog (September 18), I lost my fish. One day it was there, one day it was gone.

So, finally, I felt I was over Petunia's loss, and I went to the Fish Nook to buy myself a new fishy.

I brought him home, his name is Ruby, and I went to clean out the bowl. As I was pouring the water into the strainer (to catch the rocks) I saw a head pop out. At first, I almost screamed in horror, thinking it was just the head of my poor fishy.

HOWEVER!!!!.....it was the whole fish..............ALIVE........barely......but.........ALIVE!!!!!

He had buried himself under the rocks, and was living under them for the past month.
All the water had practically evaporated out, and I had not put any food in there for a month. He looks sickly, but I think he can make it.

Poor Petunia...fighting for life...please pray for Petunia!

Ruby, my new fishy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo! congratulations! hope he survives his adventure.