Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am taking a short break from entering my grades into the online program my school uses.

Could I even tell you how aggravating this is?

Well I am going to tell you anyways...

1). The preprogrammed comments never seem to say what you really want to say...such as...where's the comment that says "you should have never procreated in the first place"?!? Or..."how can you seriously forget to bring your instrument 11 times in one semester"?!?! Or..."being the adult, you need to wake up on time to bring your child to school on time, so that they will stop missing my class". Do you see my dilemna? They're just not what I am looking for!!

2). The program keeps failing, and after I have spent WAY too long trying to enter in grades and comments for an entire class, it boots me out, and i have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!!! I am seriously thinking of writing them all down and handing them to the principal tomorrow morning, and telling HER to do it...

3). The program takes WAY TOO LONG to think between commands. I could seriously do this all by hand WAY faster!

4). Students who left our district LAST YEAR are still in the program, so that I have repeatedly entered in grades, to find out that I have given students who haven't been in my class since last April are now getting A's in my class...


And that being said...

back to the grind I go...

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