Our hotel has a living room...crazy...
...and a kitchen...(which sadly is nicer than the one in my apartment)
This is the sink part of the bathroom that is outside of the actual bathroom. (I figured that no one really wanted to see a picture of a toilet, so I didn't take one)
And these are our beds. They felt pretty comfy when sitting on them, but I will have to give you the full report after sleeping on it all night.
We landed at JFK at 4:00, and made a mad dash across the entire airport (we actually had to get onto a shuttlebus) to our next flight, which boarded at 4:10 to leave around 4:40 to get to Pittsburgh. We sat on that plane for at least 1/2 hour before it took off.
We landed about 6:45 in Pittsburgh, picked up our luggage and car, and made for the hotel. Which sounds easier than it is, because 1/2 of the streets to our hotel were blocked off because of the baseball game at PNC. (who really watches the Pirates and Astros anyways??) We finally got here, and when I opened my bag, I found that my contact solution bottle had opened and leaked about 1/4 of the bottle all over some shirts and other clothes and papers in my suitcase. At least it was just basically water, instead of my sunscreen or hairgel, or anything else that could have been a WAAAY bigger mess!
We went to the restaurant that is a part of the hotel (you can enter from the street or the hotel), called SoHo. It was pretty good. I had a Midori sour, and we split artichoke and spinach dip for an appetizer. I had a mesculin salad for my meal, and we split a piece of chocolate peanutbutter pie for dessert.
Now, I'm off to read a chapter (or crochet...one of the two...) before I hit the hay.
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