Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Gifts
I got some WAY cool Christmas gifts this year!
My 2 faves are my 320 gig external hard drive (I could store everything from my work, home, and the boy's computer and not even make a dent) and my bread machine.
We will never have to buy bread again! I have already made 3 loaves since Christmas. It was fantastic! White, wheat, oatmeal...the combinations are endless! Muwahahahaha (evil laugh, I thought it was called for)
Pictures to come if I ever get this laptop up to speed (that's another story for another day)
Happy vacation!
It's vacation time!
So far - I have cleaned. Fun, huh?
Random thought - why are Goya juice cans so thick? They're really strong aluminum!!
I know, it's random.
Next, it's time to figure out New Year's Eve plans.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Big scary ice storm!
Let me recap the last few days for you.
The power goes out around 8:30 or so. We sit in the dark, and decide to sleep on the futon in the living room to be closert to the wood stove. Little did we realize, this would be the first night of many.
I awoke with a start at 7:45, realizing my alarm never went off. I have to be at school in 15 minutes. My cell died, and we still have no power. I don't even know if I have school. I go out to the car and plug in my phone and listen to my voicemail - luckily, no school
We wake up to a pretty scene - ice covered tree branches glistening in the sun. No wait - the beauty is suddenly drowned out by the realization that these tree branches are covering the ground and marking their destruction all over the county. Branches down in the front yard, branches hanging on the wires to our house (doesn't matter since there's still no power), a giant tree-sized branch standing straight up and down in front of the shed - it was buried 2 feet deep into the ground!, a tree split in half that hangs into the pond and broke one of the balustrades to the footbridge, a tree down in the middle of the backyard, and many more branches all over the yard. Branches on top of the fence between us and the neighbors, branches covering the lawn, that 3 foot diameter branch buried in the ground leaning against the shed, narrowly missing the pool filter...
We spent a number of hours sawing and clipping back, pulling and knocking over that giant tree-sized branch away from the shed. The boy tried to find a chain saw - ha - not much open around, and the only chainsaws he could find were electric - fat lot of good those would do us.
The rest of the day we were still cleaning the house in hopes that the house-warming party would still happen tomorrow night, and keeping the wood stove manned for warmth. Have I mentioned it's REALLY ccccold outside??
We spent the night in the living room again - it's kind of like camping! As a matter-of-fact, we pulled out camping gear and used it inside. We found our rechargable lantern and our coffee percolator. We could boil small amounts of water on the top of the stove, and we cooked food in foil packets placed inside of the wood stove. We're pretty resourceful like that.
Obviously, the party cannot go on as planned. Friends and family are calling the cell all day asking about the party. An email is sent out via a friend letting as many people as possible know the party is cancelled.
I had to move the food into a cooler and place it outside to keep cool. The freezer food was ok for the most part, but the fridge stuff was getting warm. I also had to move the bucket o' peppermentini outdoors to keep it cold - it never did create ice crystals.
Again, I spend most of the day loading wood into the stove to keep warm. I also wrap a lot of Christmas presents.
My college roomie and her hubby come down from NH and bring us warm food. We spent the evening by the fire with some drinks and some food. It was a lot smaller than I planned, but it was a lot of fun.
After they left, we again hunkered down in the living room for the night. It is COLD, but the fire is roaring, and we are keeping pretty warm.
About 1:30 am we awoke to the lights flickering a few times, then the ROAR of the smoke alarms going off. The alarms are all hard-wired, and I guess the flickering on and off of the electricity spazzed them out. We couldn't figure out how to turn them off. The two of us were running around the house trying to get them to shut up. I don't know what we did, but we eventually got them to stop.
Finally! Heat! Hot water! Electricity! Happiness!
We spend the day cleaning the house and the yard, answering emails and voice messages from friends and family asking how we are doing. I'm hoping that school is cancelled for tomorrow, since I see that all of the area schools have cancelled for tomorrow.
At least tonight we can sleep in our own bed tonight!!
Of course we have school - every other school district in the area has cancelled, but why would we? On my way to school I am rerouted twice, and dodge branches and trees all the way to school. When I show up, half of the staff for the building aren't there, and most of the students from the town next door aren't there since their town has cancelled school. However, since the town next door doesn't have its own high school, half of them go to our high school. The buses, however, couldn't pick them up, even though they were required to be there.
I was supposed to go Christmas caroling with some of my students at the local mall after school. The mall wasn't expecting us, and a lot of the kids had to bail; I decided to cancel. I must have ESP, since I learned later that the mall lost power again. Good thing I decided to cancel before school let out!
Finally...I'm home.
I'm exhausted.
I learn that the town next door has once again cancelled school for tomorrow...
We'll see what tomorrow has in store - will I be going through this all over again? Only time will tell...
Friday, November 28, 2008
don't tell mom.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wow-I need to post more often
I am busy!
However, I have found this piece of amusing information.
I am currently cooking dinner with a LOT of garlic! I am making garlic chicken, stuffed peppers (garlic in those too), and sour cream and onion mashed potatoes (ok, so no garlic there). Earlier, I made banana cookies to freeze for my party next month.
I like having Tuesday off. We should do it every week.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Looking forward to next season
What do we know about him?
Last year for Detroit, he pitched for 16.2 innings total. In those 16.2 innings, he allowed 27 hits, 16 runs (all of which were earned), allowed 7 home runs, walked 5 and struck out 7. His ERA was 8.64.
We'll see how he works out, but pitchers are always a good thing to have, right?
I KNEW I recognized her!!
I've been watching "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", because I am obsessed...
I saw the creepy, red-haired, Irish, creepy, robot-woman (did I mention creepy?) and I thought I recognized her -
She's Shirley Manson, frontwoman to the band "Garbage". Remember them from the 90s??
I think she's great, creepy, but great!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Edit to the last post
I don't care what they said - they would not have put out the tarp if it wasn't a tied game.
A suspended game to be picked up in the bottom of the 6th, or will the rain delay end sometime tonight? We'll have to wait and see...
Is anyone watching the Series?
I did tune in for a bit tonight to see the DELUGE of rain coming down. What are they thinking? The field is puddling up, and everyone's going to drop the ball.
Argh - stupidity at its finest.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I made them Orange Spiced Chicken, Peapod & Orange Salad, Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Sweet Potato Salad, and a Black & White Angel Food Cake.
Mom brought some pasta with vodka sauce, Dad brought an apple pie, and brother-in-law brought some wine.
We had to pull the leaf out in the table, and I used a tablecloth and cloth napkins with napkin rings. I even bought a small bouquet of flowers for the center.
It was a feast!! We even watched football! It truly was a mini-Thanksgiving.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Massachusetts connections
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cambodian couple saw house in half in divorce - Yahoo! News
Perhaps if all divorces were solved this way, there wouldn't be so many.
King Solomon makes a comeback
There is and always has been a link - look in the column on the right hand side. There will ALWAYS be a link! ;-) How could I not?
So there Rich! :-P
LOOK ---------------->
You might have to scroll down a bit to see it.
In case you can't find it .... I'll even put another one right...
Wicked good shows!
Wicked was just that. It was awesome. I've had the soundtrack in my head for the entire weekend.
The Little Mermaid was good too - although I think we would have enjoyed it more if not for all of the little kiddos. We did go to a Sunday matinee, however...
There were two days of street fairs to walk through, and I bought a few Christmas presents. I also bought some stuff for myself - new rainboots, and a dress for my December concert.
We had a ton of fun - ate some good food (unlike last year's Irish pub experience), shopped our brains out (don't worry - I didn't spend too much $$), and saw some great shows.
The Milford Plaza was a step down from last year - apparently the breakfast that we ate last year was NOT included in our price - we aren't club members, so we shouldn't have been eating there - who knew??
We made our traditional stop at Rein's Deli in Vernon, CT and ate the sour pickles. I also had my very first Bialy - a cross between a bagel and english muffin - yummy.
I am finally home, and am planning on taking a nap while catching up on my DVR'd shows.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
People who want their photos everywhere.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
friends, football, fire, and beerdogs
They got the grand tour and we showed them all of our wedding photos - including a great one of them.
We watched the games on tv while the three of them were absolutely freaking out over their fantasy football scores. I laughed.
The boy made his famous beerdogs. Giant beer-soaked Fenway Franks. Yummy.
We had a lot of fun - haven't sat down with these friends since before the wedding.
Now it's back to the real world - work tomorrow - ewwww.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New favorite show
Monday, September 15, 2008
I was Joey'd
"How YOU doin?"
I was Joey'd.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Spaghetti Sauce
Really homemade - the tomatoes were from our garden!!
You're jealous, I know.
The boy is NOT happy...
Gmail update
That is somewhat annoying. Does ANYONE know what's going on?!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Random tidbit of info
Funny Blog
I thought it was hilarious - check it out!
Gmail trouble?
bad blogger
Random Thoughts on a New House:
- I can have packages delivered without worrying about being there to sign for them (or that they'll be stolen if they are left without a signature)
- No more barking dog or crazy lady living across the hall
- I can sit outside without thinking that everyone else in the building is staring at me
- No more rearranging BBQ plans because someone else is using the picnic table area
- No more noisy upstairs neighbors
- I have a freaking pool! I can lounge by it, swim in it, and float in it. But that also means I have to figure out the delicate balance of cleaning it. So far, I have fixed a gasket, and figured out just HOW high the water level needs to be.
- Wallpaper sucks.
- The boy really does like mowing the lawn, which I have to say is most excellent, since I don't believe I least not as much as him...he asks me if the angle he mowed it at looks good! (good thing I don't mow the lawn, if I remember correctly I meandered as opposed to making straight lines)
- Doing laundry whenever I want and without saving $3 worth of quarters actually makes laundry more enjoyable (a little anyways, laundry still blows)
- Surround sound in an enclosed room that can be turned up as loud as we please is REALLY REALLY COOL!
- I can find paint somewhere on me a week after I have painted a room.
- "Tawny Port" paint needs at LEAST 2 coats to cover ugly tan paint
- Paint colors look less bright once you add the furniture (but can still be described as "liquid Smurf blue" - don't worry, I like it!)
- The second layer of wallpaper found underneath the first always sticks more
- A/C in the bedroom is MUCH better than A/C in the living room with 2 fans blowing it around corners into the bedroom
- Boxborough really DID have HARD water! It is so nice to be able to actually DRINK the tap water!
- The third layer of wallpaper is just plain EVIL!!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Things you never knew you knew
I opened up the 5 way valve converter and put a rubber ring back in place.
I'm a plumber! :-D
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Updates on house
The above curtain is in the kitchen - I made it! I saw the fabric, and knew that was what I wanted in the kitchen.
I also made curtains in the living room. Those were more difficult, since they were bigger, and the fabric was also a pain the tookus to work with - it was silky, which meant that it slid everywhere while trying to work on it!
Don't worry - those aren't stains in the above photos - just a weird lighting phenomenon.
We've also done some decorating in the living room. It has a somewhat asian-inspired feel to it. The MIL helped us out there-she had tons of scrolls to hang on the walls. She had previously done her living room in a similar style, but has recently redecorated.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Looking a gift horse in the mouth...
Then I read the story.
Are these people nuts? You win the chance of a lifetime - you get a house built for you - a DREAM house no less, and you SQUANDER it all away? You live in a decrepit house with a faulty septic system, and hundreds of volunteers raze it to the ground to build you the most gorgeous house within miles, and you use it as collateral for a $450,000 loan for some business venture? What is wrong with these people?! That wasn't enough? It's not like they were paying a mortgage, I am sure of that. (that would kind of stink if ABC built you a house and stuck you with the bill LOL)
Wow - some people just don't know when to quit.
Monday, July 28, 2008
killer squash
Wallpaper Saga
But wait -
There's more...
Ok...ugly brown paper is a little more difficult to take down, but still do-able.
there's a THIRD layer...
from the 1950s! (I think...maybe the 60s?)
And BOY is that stuff hard to get off the wall! We're vinegar and watering this bad boy (which does not make the hallway smell very good).
This wallpaper is right on top of the drywall-which is not cool.
I'll let you know how it goes.
pics from the house
Our supercool wetbar area in the basement (it has some more stuff on it now):
Old colors of the kitchen cabinets:
Old yucky countertop in the basement:
Tiles that we will be putting over the yucky countertop:
Futon I picked up down the street for $45. We have gotten a new slipcover for it, and it's in our living room.
Does anyone else think potatoes?
Missing Tubers Rescued from River
I honest-to-God thought they were talking about potatoes before I read the article.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
house update
Most of our stuff (there's a few random things left at the apartment-and boy do I mean random) is in the house. It's not put anywhere in particular, mind you, but at least it's here. Most of the things are in the correct room, or the general area. We're sleeping on a mattress on the floor, seeing as how we haven't put the bed back together.
We also have cable/internet/and a phone. Well that's a lie, we have a phone line but not an actual phone. So I suppose it's perfectly pointless. I guess I have to add phone to the list of things I have to get tomorrow - along with shelf paper, since 3 rolls of the sticky crap aren't enough for all of the shelves to be lined - who knew?
Also of note - we couldn't figure out how to get mattress and boxspring up the stairs - didn't seem like it would fit, until the little bro realized there was a piece of loose molding, which came off easily in his hands, and was obviously how the previous owners had gotten their mattress out of the house. (good thing we didn't opt for the king-sized bed)
A special thanks will definitely have to go out to my little bro, my aunt, my parent- in-laws, and our good friend from up in the Lowell area (you know who you are) for helping us with the long and tedious task of moving.
Just when I thought it was done - oh yeah - we have to unpack these #@($&#*@ boxes too!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Clocks Buena vista social club
I heard this several times in Aruba - I thought it was pretty cool, and thought you might like to listen too! :-)
House Update
I painted one wall in the bedroom alcove green - the gallon of paint only cost $5, it was in the mistake bin at Home Depot - it looks great! I have to finish a couple more walls, but needed a step stool to get the tape up.
I bought a futon from a guy down the street, and he drove it to my house and even helped me move it into the basement! Too bad it's WAY too big for the room, and the boy and I are just going to have to move it again, but it was very nice of him!
I have put two coats on the fronts of most of the kitchen cabinets. Hopefully I can finish the backs tomorrow. One of the cabinets is a slatted door (I think I might have just made up a word there, but you get the idea) - it's a PAIN to paint in between all the slats.
I measured the living room and the family room to make little graph paper diagrams to figure out where to put the furniture.
Oh yeah...and my streak is still alive...everytime I move, I get pulled over. without fail. I am proud to say I have never received a ticket though.
Now it's time for bed.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
I took the most photos of the kitchen, because that's where I will be doing the most work in the next couple of days (mostly paint).
Stay tuned for more! :-)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
packing and packing and packing
The living room is almost completely full of boxes - floor to ceiling, wall to wall to wall to wall.
Today I visited with my grandmother in the rehab hospital in Andover - it's nicer than most hotels I have stayed in! How do I get in?? (just kidding!) She seemed to be in pretty good spirits, and was happy to see the honeymoon photos I brought by with the boy's portable DVD player.
Then I went home to get some boxes to pack up my place. We ordered some pizza while I was home - mmm...veggie deep dish from Mandee's - I forgot how good that is! Mom gave me (hopefully) more boxes than I need, there's a lot.
Home again home again, jiggity jig, and I started using some of those boxes. I also made the boy dinner (he wanted - pizza, of course) so I mostly ate salad.
Anyways, tomorrow is the first day of summer work. It shouldn't be too bad - Mon-Wed 8:15-11:45. Then I have to go back home to Groveland to get copies of the marriage license.
Friday, July 11, 2008
wedding pics
JFK is scary
This is why I don't like flying in/out of there.
I have had to do it now four times in my lifetime - and that is four times too many. It's crowded, too busy, and just plain bad.
On the way back from the HONEYMOON, we were taxiing for an hour waiting while 25 planes went in front of us.
Just as a restatement from earlier - I do not have a problem with our 35th president.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Last night we went to my aunt's church for a roast beef dinner. It was delicious.
Today's plans - clean and pack some more of the apartment. Hopefully I will get to grading some of the papers I have stacked up as well.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
David vs. David
Cook sounded great. Did Archuleta sound better?
Was anyone actually listening to Rueben as he sang, or were they just watching the video clips?
Did anyone else notice that the song that David A. sang (the new one that no one knows) had a line that sounded A LOT like the song "Don't Cry Out Loud"? It was driving me nuts!!
We'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out.
And's time for Hell's Kitchen!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
first post in May
I've been a very busy girl!
I'm buying a house, I'm planning a wedding, I'm cleaning my house, I'm crocheting, I'm grading papers, I'm planning a field trip, I'm planning a concert, I'm FINALLY hearing from my photographer for the first time!!, I'm conducting band rehearsals, I'm playing in band rehearsals, I'm playing in concerts, I'm attending bridal showers, I'm painting ceramics, I'm getting into fender-benders (don't even ask me about that one! stupid screw scratches in my bumper!), I'm getting my hair cut, I'm attending meeting after meeting after meeting, I'm babysitting (adults no less...grrr....), I'm figuring out how to arrange furniture at the reception, I'm rewiring the auditorium lights and mapping them, I'm making phone calls trying to organize all these things, I'm volunteering time to help at the snack shack at track meets, I'm attending first communion celebrations, I'm logging RSVP's for the wedding, I'm...
'nuff said.
I'm also reading the blogs of people who actually take the time to blog...and I found this. I think I have students who would like to hire this guy to help them play the flute!!
Tomorrow is meetings with the Reverend and the organist. I think I am supposed to have a NVCB band rehearsal and the HS coffee house somewhere in there as well...
Friday, April 25, 2008
my one day of vacation
and it was great.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
American Idol
And how cool was Lord Andrew Lloyd Weber??
I've been very busy.
We've been doing wedding stuff.
Lotsa stuff.
We signed our purchase and sales agreement today. Lots of signing and initialing.
This is vacation week. It's half over. :-( ::sniff sniff::
I promise I will write more.
I swear.
Well, I'll try...
I think I will...
Sunday, April 06, 2008
they've countered the counter-counter offer
They've countered.
We're offering a final offer.
counter offer....counter-counter offer
They countered.
We countered the counter.
Boy is this confusing.
But we've talked them down by $7 thousand so far.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
House Hunting
So we've been looking at houses for a long time now. We've seen over 20 in person. Out of those, we've seen some nice ones, and some not so nice ones.
But today we saw THE one.
So we put in an offer.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Sax No End - Clarke/Boland Big Band
Peter shared this with me today - wow! Listen for the soli section with the entire sax section playing together!
Monday, March 24, 2008
so worn out
Friday was spent shopping with my sis and mom looking for a dress for my mom for the wedding. We found one - woot!
Saturday started with shopping (woot! again) with my flower girl and her mom. We found the rest of her outfit - and she looks adorable!!! :-) The rest of the day was ...
It was so much fun - my sister did a great job - all the way from San Diego! We made wine charms (I brought home 37!), and I won $108 in scratch tickets from playing "Stump the Bride".
I'll have to take pictures of some of the crazy cool things that I got. My aunt made me a beautiful quilt! (I know you'd appreciate that Kelly) I got my supercool-everyonewantsone-youknowyoudo pistachio green KitchenAid Mixer. I made cookies tonight in it, and I used the new stacking cooling racks I got this weekend too.
I didn't get home till after 10 on Saturday - showed the boy all the stuff we got and hit the hay.
Sunday - Easter with the future in-laws. Little Ring Bearer hunting for Easter eggs - he had to fight off the squirrels - one ran away with his egg! We hung out with family all day and caught up with all the goings-on. We didn't get home till after 10 that night either.
Then I had to start the work week - Monday all over again.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
when I get bored
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thursday blues
It's been a long week.
Monday: School, Elementary Band, High School Jazz Band, Moonlighters (home at 10)
Tuesday: School, Afterschool Lessons, Middle School Jazz Band (home at 7)
Wednesday: School, Afterschool extra help, Union Meeting, NVCB, JPs (home at 11)
Thursday: School, Staff Meeting, home for dinner, back to school for 5th grade orientation (home at 8:30)
and tomorrow there's a concert with the NVCB
Saturday is more house hunting
and I better do some laundry on Sunday, or I'm showing up to work on Monday naked.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Goldilocks and the many houses
Goldilocks and the boy went in search of houses with the very nice Margaret.
House #1: Goldilocks was entranced by the beauty of the outside of the house. It was adorable, surrounded by trees and a post fence. The front entrance was a gorgeous sunporch, however pink it may have been. When Goldilocks and the boy entered the bedrooms, however, they remarked, "these rooms are tooooooo small". So they left in search of the perfect home.
House #2: Goldilocks and the boy found much to like about the outside of the next house, but alas, there was an evil curse placed on the lock, and they couldn't enter the building. They had to leave the house unentered and move on.
House #3: This was the house Goldilocks and the boy were most looking forward to seeing. The road was lined with trees and the entrance of the house was cute as a button. The downstairs of the house was just the right size. Goldilocks and the boy walked upstairs - alas! It was tooooo small. Only a bed could fit into the room, and nary a piece of furniture more. So Goldilocks and the boy moved on.
House #4: This house was the scariest of them all! Surely there must have been some scary monster living here. The wallpaper was peeling, the linoleum was coming up, and it rained inside of the porch! They left in a hurry!
House #5: The fifth house was occupied by a very nice lady who took Goldilocks, Margaret and the boy on a grand tour. The nice lady told Goldilocks and the boy everything they wanted to know about the house (and more). Although Goldilocks and the boy weren't sure if this was the house for them, they decided to keep it on the list.
House #6: The path to this house was long and treacherous. The driveway was dirt and very long. Their carriage almost became stuck in the mud on the way there. There was a lot of land that came with this house and an above ground pool, but the living/dining/kitchen room was too small. Since all of these rooms were combined into one, Goldilocks and the boy couldn't see all of their furniture fitting into such a teeny tiny place - once again - tooooo small!
Goldilocks and the boy are still looking to find a home that is juuuuust right.
Stay tuned for more the next chapter.
Monday, March 03, 2008
callus, schmallus
My fingers HURT!
It hurts to type anything on the left side.
i i h o yp nyhin ihou h l hn
(it is hard to type anything without the left hand)
Saturday, March 01, 2008
the source of eating disorders
I was trying on bridesmaids dresses (although, is there such thing as a bridesmatron? cuz that's what I'll be come August!) for my cousin's wedding. Well, let me rephrase - I was holding dresses up to myself to imagine what they would look like on while my other cousin tried them on. I picked up what should be my size, and a size larger...didn't fit. Not even close.
When measured, I had to order a dress that was my size plus 8! We're talking 4 sizes larger than what I normally wear. And the woman didn't even apologize or have any sympathy for me. She was quite rude, actually. Not that I am planning on starving myself, or throwing up my dinner...but I can totally understand where people would be seriously perturbed by this. Seriously perturbed.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Do you remember Captain Planet?
I ran across a group in Facebook today called "F**** Heart...Captain Planet doesn't need him".
I laughed hysterically. Out loud.
Simply because I couldn't agree more. Earth, wind, water, fire....and.....heart???? What sort of power was that? Everything else was an element, and then there's .....heart??? Do you remember the sound the rings made? Earth-Rumble! Wind-Woosh! Water-Wahhh! Fire-Sssshhhh! and Heart-wopwopwop. How lame.
Quick! The world is in trouble! I know - let's cause an earthquake or use the force of wind to blow the badguys away, or flood them out, or use fire to chase them away...Ma-ti? what can you do? LOVE them to death?!?!
wop wop wop
The kid to beat on American Idol
David Archuleta sang John Lennon's "Imagine" and it was INCREDIBLE.
I'm sure I will be able to find it on Youtube later, but for now, I just needed to share...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
wedding projects

Next we tackled the tie. Ok - well Debbie mostly tackled the tie, but that's besides the point. We had to figure out how to take an adult-sized tie and cut it down to fit a 4 year old, so he won't look like he's wearing a clown tie. We needed to make sure it would fit a Here's my flower girl wearing it. Isn't she a cutie? :-)