Saturday, March 01, 2008

the source of eating disorders

I am convinced it would be trying on dresses at a bridal boutique. Has anyone ever noticed that the sizes there are much smaller than in regular clothing stores? I knew that going in - however, this particular bridal store was deluded in their sizing.

I was trying on bridesmaids dresses (although, is there such thing as a bridesmatron? cuz that's what I'll be come August!) for my cousin's wedding. Well, let me rephrase - I was holding dresses up to myself to imagine what they would look like on while my other cousin tried them on. I picked up what should be my size, and a size larger...didn't fit. Not even close.

When measured, I had to order a dress that was my size plus 8! We're talking 4 sizes larger than what I normally wear. And the woman didn't even apologize or have any sympathy for me. She was quite rude, actually. Not that I am planning on starving myself, or throwing up my dinner...but I can totally understand where people would be seriously perturbed by this. Seriously perturbed.

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