My matches:
48% - Bill Richardson (I haven't even heard of this guy)
45% - Hillary Clinton (the boy might have my head for this one)
43% - John Edwards (I liked him the first time around)
42% - John McCain (how is this possible??)
40% - Barack Obama (I am surprised by this, I thought it might have matched more)
40% - Mitt Romney (eew)
38% - Chris Dodd (I don't even think he's still in the running)
38% - Mike Gravel (who?!)
38% - Fred Thompson (Law & Order automatically makes this guy cool)
35% - Joe Biden (again, who?!)
35% - Dennis Kucinich - (is this the guy who has the wife that everyone ogles?)
33% - Rudy Giuliani (good for NYC, but will he be good for the USA?)
28% - Ron Paul (any relation to RuPaul?)
20% - Mike Huckabee (no surprises here)
20% - Duncan Hunter (for the third time, or is it the fourth?...WHO?!?!)
I guess I am somewhat middle-of-the-road, since I have a couple of Republicans way up there on the list. I guess I really am telling the truth when I registered Independent!
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