Monday, March 31, 2008

One Semester of Spanish - Love Song

HA!!! This would be me trying to speak Spanish. :-)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sax No End - Clarke/Boland Big Band

Peter shared this with me today - wow! Listen for the soli section with the entire sax section playing together!

Monday, March 24, 2008

so worn out

I need a long weekend to recover from my long weekend.

Friday was spent shopping with my sis and mom looking for a dress for my mom for the wedding. We found one - woot!

Saturday started with shopping (woot! again) with my flower girl and her mom. We found the rest of her outfit - and she looks adorable!!! :-) The rest of the day was ...


It was so much fun - my sister did a great job - all the way from San Diego! We made wine charms (I brought home 37!), and I won $108 in scratch tickets from playing "Stump the Bride".

I'll have to take pictures of some of the crazy cool things that I got. My aunt made me a beautiful quilt! (I know you'd appreciate that Kelly) I got my supercool-everyonewantsone-youknowyoudo pistachio green KitchenAid Mixer. I made cookies tonight in it, and I used the new stacking cooling racks I got this weekend too.

I didn't get home till after 10 on Saturday - showed the boy all the stuff we got and hit the hay.

Sunday - Easter with the future in-laws. Little Ring Bearer hunting for Easter eggs - he had to fight off the squirrels - one ran away with his egg! We hung out with family all day and caught up with all the goings-on. We didn't get home till after 10 that night either.

Then I had to start the work week - Monday all over again.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I adopted a who

Her name is Wahoo Who.

when I get bored

For no apparent reason, I decided to make a lemon poppy seed cake with cream cheese frosting. I obviously decorated with strawberries.


crazy nascar fans

I saw this in the BJ's Club parking lot.
Crazy nascar fans.
'nuff said.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday blues

I despise Thursdays that feel like Fridays.

It's been a long week.

Monday: School, Elementary Band, High School Jazz Band, Moonlighters (home at 10)
Tuesday: School, Afterschool Lessons, Middle School Jazz Band (home at 7)
Wednesday: School, Afterschool extra help, Union Meeting, NVCB, JPs (home at 11)
Thursday: School, Staff Meeting, home for dinner, back to school for 5th grade orientation (home at 8:30)

and tomorrow there's a concert with the NVCB


Saturday is more house hunting


and I better do some laundry on Sunday, or I'm showing up to work on Monday naked.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Goldilocks and the many houses

We came up with a new take on the classic fairytale yesterday. It went a little like this:

Goldilocks and the boy went in search of houses with the very nice Margaret.

House #1: Goldilocks was entranced by the beauty of the outside of the house. It was adorable, surrounded by trees and a post fence. The front entrance was a gorgeous sunporch, however pink it may have been. When Goldilocks and the boy entered the bedrooms, however, they remarked, "these rooms are tooooooo small". So they left in search of the perfect home.

House #2: Goldilocks and the boy found much to like about the outside of the next house, but alas, there was an evil curse placed on the lock, and they couldn't enter the building. They had to leave the house unentered and move on.

House #3: This was the house Goldilocks and the boy were most looking forward to seeing. The road was lined with trees and the entrance of the house was cute as a button. The downstairs of the house was just the right size. Goldilocks and the boy walked upstairs - alas! It was tooooo small. Only a bed could fit into the room, and nary a piece of furniture more. So Goldilocks and the boy moved on.

House #4: This house was the scariest of them all! Surely there must have been some scary monster living here. The wallpaper was peeling, the linoleum was coming up, and it rained inside of the porch! They left in a hurry!

House #5: The fifth house was occupied by a very nice lady who took Goldilocks, Margaret and the boy on a grand tour. The nice lady told Goldilocks and the boy everything they wanted to know about the house (and more). Although Goldilocks and the boy weren't sure if this was the house for them, they decided to keep it on the list.

House #6: The path to this house was long and treacherous. The driveway was dirt and very long. Their carriage almost became stuck in the mud on the way there. There was a lot of land that came with this house and an above ground pool, but the living/dining/kitchen room was too small. Since all of these rooms were combined into one, Goldilocks and the boy couldn't see all of their furniture fitting into such a teeny tiny place - once again - tooooo small!

Goldilocks and the boy are still looking to find a home that is juuuuust right.

Stay tuned for more the next chapter.

Monday, March 03, 2008

callus, schmallus

I played some guitar (for the first time in a long time) this evening.

My fingers HURT!

It hurts to type anything on the left side.

i i h o yp nyhin ihou h l hn
(it is hard to type anything without the left hand)



Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles definitely gave a doozy of one tonight - blow up the car with the girl in it and leave us - how rude!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

the source of eating disorders

I am convinced it would be trying on dresses at a bridal boutique. Has anyone ever noticed that the sizes there are much smaller than in regular clothing stores? I knew that going in - however, this particular bridal store was deluded in their sizing.

I was trying on bridesmaids dresses (although, is there such thing as a bridesmatron? cuz that's what I'll be come August!) for my cousin's wedding. Well, let me rephrase - I was holding dresses up to myself to imagine what they would look like on while my other cousin tried them on. I picked up what should be my size, and a size larger...didn't fit. Not even close.

When measured, I had to order a dress that was my size plus 8! We're talking 4 sizes larger than what I normally wear. And the woman didn't even apologize or have any sympathy for me. She was quite rude, actually. Not that I am planning on starving myself, or throwing up my dinner...but I can totally understand where people would be seriously perturbed by this. Seriously perturbed.