Saturday, July 18, 2009

Updated Shutterfly photos!

I don't know why it's taken so long, but here are some updated photos on my shutterfly account. I even added photos from Amy's wedding & bachelorette's been a while!! There are also photos from Mia's baby shower and my trips to DC. There are some photos of work around the house and some of Piper. (there are only a few there now, I will be adding more in the next few days, I'm sure!)

Piper seems to be getting used to our place, and us as well. She is definitely learning sit & stay (sort of). She comes when we call her in the house, but not so much outside. She escaped my grasp yesterday, and she thought we were playing as I chased her through the neighbor's yard, and even on the edge of the street - talk about a heart attack!!

She had an accident or two the first night, but has been fine since then. She has no problem being penned in the basement at night, and doesn't whine. We haven't heard her bark yet either!

She is very curious, and likes to check everything out. You have to have a firm grasp on her leash, or she'll take you for a ride! I stopped her from going into the pond after a frog yesterday.

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