Friday, August 24, 2007

Wedding planning update

Things we have:
Reception Hall
Dress/veil/shoes for me
Dresses for bridesmaids and possibly the flower girl (we'll have to see what it looks like when it ships - I ordered it online)
We are also in the process of designing our Save the Date cards - so be on the lookout for those!!

Things we don't have:
DJ (but we do have SEVERAL people looking into creating a dance band for us - we didn't ask for it, but I am NOT going to complain!!) :-)
Photographer - but we are talking to someone who is checking the date, and is going to get back to us

What else is there? I'm not sure exactly, but it sure does seem like A LOT!!! Everytime I turn around, it seems like there are more things to do, but I also have done a lot at the same time. I am proud to report, however, that we are keeping a VERY reasonable budget on this whole thing, and are not spending a half million like on "My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" or whatever it is called on VH1. :-)

Anyone else getting excited???

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