Sunday, November 26, 2006

Our Christmas Tree

This is our Christmas tree this year.

I bought it today at KMart. I dragged it into the car, and into the apartment, and put the whole thing together. I plugged it in, and half the lights didn't light up, so, I packed it all back up after spending a few hours trying to figure it out, finding the bulb that was smashed (and emitted a few sparks), and cursing a few times. I dragged the box back to my car, and back into KMart. No hassle, they brought me another one, and helped me get it into my car. Then I dragged it back out of my car, and up the stairs to the apartment. I set it all back up again, and VOILA!!!! it all lit up. The boy came home, and we decorated it. It is glorious.

In order to completely understand why I would put up with all this, you have to see the tree we had last year...

Doesn't that just explain it all????????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new tree. I totally understand. :-)