Sunday, July 27, 2008

house update

We're in!

Most of our stuff (there's a few random things left at the apartment-and boy do I mean random) is in the house. It's not put anywhere in particular, mind you, but at least it's here. Most of the things are in the correct room, or the general area. We're sleeping on a mattress on the floor, seeing as how we haven't put the bed back together.

We also have cable/internet/and a phone. Well that's a lie, we have a phone line but not an actual phone. So I suppose it's perfectly pointless. I guess I have to add phone to the list of things I have to get tomorrow - along with shelf paper, since 3 rolls of the sticky crap aren't enough for all of the shelves to be lined - who knew?

Also of note - we couldn't figure out how to get mattress and boxspring up the stairs - didn't seem like it would fit, until the little bro realized there was a piece of loose molding, which came off easily in his hands, and was obviously how the previous owners had gotten their mattress out of the house. (good thing we didn't opt for the king-sized bed)

A special thanks will definitely have to go out to my little bro, my aunt, my parent- in-laws, and our good friend from up in the Lowell area (you know who you are) for helping us with the long and tedious task of moving.

Just when I thought it was done - oh yeah - we have to unpack these #@($&#*@ boxes too!

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