Sunday, February 18, 2007

oh the joy...

Being the first "weeknight" of February vacation....I am basking in the joy of not having to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning!

Tonight was a rehearsal of the YDDB...of which there hasn't been in many months...

I haven't looked at this music in a while...and I am ashamed to say I was underpracticed...but I still had a lot of fun. Both Steve and myself had arranged some songs for the group to play which we took a look at tonight. I think both went well. He arranged "Just A Closer Walk with Thee", and I arranged "Clarinet Marmalade" (talk about opposite ends of the musical spectrum).

The boy came along and listened (I think he was bored to tears for most of the rehearsal...I told him to bring along his trumpet). However, we both had a lot of fun at the end of rehearsal. John's homemade brew was DELICIOUS!!! We imbibed in many a glass...nut brown ale and New Castle....mmmmm.....(Peter would be proud)

I have learned that it was not just in my imagination....there is a certain member of the group who seems to look at me more often than not. I didn't mention anything before or after rehearsal to the boy, and as a matter of fact, he actually mentioned it to me first. In a way I am glad to know it's not just in my head, but I am also skeeved out to find out that it's not just in my head at the same time... (the guy is old enough to be my father...and then some...)


Yesterday was Yangtze River buffet night...mmmmmmmmmm......

Today was lunch/dinner (linner? lupper?) with the boy's family, whom we met up with in Braintree for a lovely meal at JJ something-or-others. I had a personal pizza (2 slices left for tomorrow, woohoo!), with peppers and pineapple (they ran out of ham....who runs out of ham???). I also had some Blue Moon....yummy!!!

Anyhow...I am looking forward to the week's vacation, and I assure you that I will have more entries in the blog too keep you apprised of all the details.

1 comment:

kelly said...

oh, do tell... do tell. :-)