Sunday, February 25, 2007



So much, in fact, we went to a laundromat. It was seriously 10 washing machine loads of laundry. We wore dirty socks today, since we had no more. Surprisingly, we apparently have enough underwear to last us 10 loads worth and still have a clean least I know my underwear were clean.... hamper, two laundry baskets, and three pillowcases full of clothes....

It was a ridiculous amount....matched only by the ridiculous amount of quarters pumped into the machines...

We did make the most of it though! We played poker and walked to the Wok n' Roll next door to get take-out, which we ate inside the laundromat. So, if you ignore the giant piles of laundry and the hideously loud washers, and the one particular machine that decided to rock back and forth while beeping hysterically that the load was unbalanced, no matter how many times we fixed it and rearranged the clothes wasn't so bad!

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