Thursday, March 01, 2007

tag...I'm it!

I've been meme tagged by Kelly!


Hardback or paperback: It doesn't matter to me...whichever one the book I want to read is published in

Amazon or brick and mortar: This one is tough...I can spend hours in either place...

Barnes & Noble or Borders: Hmmm.....Borders is closer to me, but I like the coffee at B&N better

Bookmark or dog ear: I like to use a bookmark, because (like Kelly) I feel really bad when I bend the pages down

Alphabetize by author, alphabetize by subject, or random: That would require organization....who do you think you are talking to here???

Keep, throw away or sell: keep...again...getting rid of things would requre some sort of organization...I keep EVERYTHING!

Keep the dust jacket or toss it: How could you throw that away? It's part of the book!

Short story or novel: novel

Collection (same author) or anthology (different authors): I guess it's both. I have a lot of books by the same authors (JK Rowling, William Martin, Michael and Jeff Shaara), but I also have a lot of anthologies (Baseball, Civil War)

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket: I will have to say Harry Potter, since I have never read Lemony Snicket.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks: when I get tired, I read until the next chapter break.

“It was a dark and storm night” or “once upon a time?”: definitely both!

Buy or borrow: buy...again...why return anything when you can squirrel it all away in corners of the apartment for the boy to trip over and curse at??

New or used: both

Buying choice: if something new comes out by a favorite author, or whatever looks good

Tidy endings or cliffhangers: My books need to end...I despise cliffhangers...I've already pre-ordered the next Harry Potter book from Amazon, because I can't wait to find out what happens!!!

Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading: Nighttime reading

Stand-alone or series: both

Favorite series: I love Harry Potter, and I also own all the Winnie the Pooh books (you're not alone Kelly!)

I tag Derek

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