Friday, June 29, 2007

gorgeous views

I took a walk today. I needed to get some quarters for our washer/dryer, so I needed to go to the bank. It's about 2 miles away, so I decided to hoof it. It was gorgeous outside, so it wasn't bad. I stopped at the gas station to buy a bottle of water. The scariest part of the walk was that there are NO sidewalks along rte 111, so I was constantly on the lookout for cars who didn't see me. I was a good girl and walked against the traffic like I am supposed to!

I got my roll of quarters, and I also stopped at Video Signals, where they now sell used books. I bought "I Love Paul Revere, Whether He Rode or Not", which talks about American historical myths. I've only read a few pages, but it's pretty interesting. I also got "Waiting for Teddy Williams", which I have yet to start reading. I figure if it lasts that long, I can bring it on my trip with Debbie.

On my way back, I stopped to drink some water on the edge of this pond, across from the church.

Isn't it pretty?
That stick-looking thing in the green gunk is actually a little tiny beaver. He wouldn't come close enough to me to get a good picture. I guess he's camera shy.

There were also little tiny orange fish in the pond, but the pictures didn't come out, I just kept seeing reflections because it was so sunny outside.

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