Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rock Bottom Brewery

Mike and I met his parents and brother for dinner at the Rock Bottom Brewery in Braintree tonight for dinner. I had a lot of fun, even with Bill's alcohol abuse (knocking a completely full beer onto the floor...Mike was tempted to ask for a straw so none would be wasted!) and Mike and Dave's talk of a certain Saved by the Bell star's sex tape (including the talk of what might be on it...and now that it was explained to me.....EEEW!!!) Jan and I put up with a lot from our boys!!! :-)

By the way, I didn't have this beer...but I liked the name. :-) I tried the Lumpy Dog Light Ale (very good, the name is scary) and the Cranberry Wheat Ale which was not fruity at all, very good.

Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day....hanging around the house, and relaxing. Presently watching the Sox game (why, I DON'T point)

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