Sunday, April 01, 2007

Getting to know me - a meme

I was tagged by Kelly, and since I have nothing better to do this beautiful Sunday morning...

What time did you get up this morning?
7 am, which is VERY unusual for me, since I usually sleep VERY late on weekends. I slept a lot yesterday, and I am just TOO excited to sleep anymore today.

Diamonds or pearls?
Seeing as how I got engaged last night....DIAMONDS BABY!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Oooh...that's a tough one....we don't go to the movie theater very often...I'm going way back here..."Stranger than Fiction" with Will Ferrell.

What is your favourite TV show?
I'm with Kelly on this would have to be Grey's Anatomy or House. But if we're talking of all time, then the answer is Friends.

What do you usually have for breakfast?
On weekends, I make breakfast. We'll have muffins, or eggs, or bacon, or sausage, or pancakes, or french toast, or waffles, or something yummy like that. During the week it is usually just coffee from Dunks, but occasionally I'll buy a muffin or donut.

Favourite cuisine?
I don't really have a favorite food....I eat lots of different foods.

What food do you dislike?
I do not like raw onions. I love them cooked, and I LOOOOOVE onion rings, but don't ask me to eat onions raw, it ain't gonna happen....

What is your favourite CD at the moment?
The CD I listen to the most right now is the 2007 Grammy Nominees album.

Morning or night person?
If I could teach school starting at the time most schools end, I would be very happy. I HATE getting up early.

Favourite sandwich?
It's a toss-up between grilled cheese and grilled peanutbutter.

What characteristic do you despise?
People who are rude. Why can't we all just get along?

Favourite item of clothing?
Currently, my two pairs of fleece pants. I have a Hello Kitty pair, and a blue pair with frogs.

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?
France, Ireland, Italy, or the tropics

What colour is your bathroom?
Sage's awful....

Favourite brand of clothing?
Whatever is on sale!!!

Where would you retire to?
Oh...that is so far away from right now it's not even worth thinking about....

What was your most memorable birthday?
My 21st was pretty memorable. We slept in a tent in my parent's backyard drinking beer the night before, a pool party the day of, and free drink at Uno's the night of!

Favourite sport to watch?
If you know me at all....BASEBALL!!!!!!!!! More specifically, the SOX!!

When is your birthday?
July 15

What is your shoe size?
I've got clown feet...I'm a size 10.

I've got a lot of fish!! In one tank I have 5 pink and yellow danios and a snail. I have a betta in a vase, and a betta in a bowl, and a betta in my classroom. Someday, I want a dog though.

What did you want to be when you were little?
I must be crazy, but for as far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a teacher. Except when I wanted to be a major league baseball player.....

What is your favourite flower?
Hydrangea and lilacs.

What date on the calendar are you looking forward to?
Whatever date it is that we decide to have our wedding!! Sometime in summer of 2008

What music do you like?
I listen to anything from classical to hiphop and everything between!

Your Favourite Book?
I like William Martin. Great historical fiction

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo! Congratulations on your engagement.

Can't wait to see the rock! :-)http: